San Diego Comic-Con International is a multi-genre comic and entertainment convention held annually in San Diego, California. It was originated as the Golden State Comic Book Convention in late 1970 by Richard Alf, Shel Dorf, Mike Towry and Ken Krueger. After sometime, it was called the "San Diego Comic Book Convention." It however is commonly known as Comic-Con or the San Diego Comic-Con or "SDCC."
Comic-Con International also organises two other conventions, WonderCon, that takes place in Anaheim, California, and the Alternative Press Expo (APE), held in San Francisco. Since 1974, Comic-Con has showered its annual Inkpot Award on guests and persons of interest in the Popular Arts industries and also on the members of Comic-Con's Board of Directors and the Convention Board. It is also the home of the Will Eisner Awards. Book your studio transportation now!
Since 2005, CCI-IFF also known as the Comic-Con International Independent Film Festival has been taking place during the summer in San Diego. The International Film Festival has been a juried event since then. The Festival lasts for 4 days and curtains some of the very best in genre-related both short and long films in San Diego. The categories of Comic-Con International Independent Film Festival (CCI-IFF) include action or adventure, animation, comics-related, documentary (pop culture related), horror or suspense, humour and science fiction or fantasy. A panel of judges is seated who decide upon the winners in each category. The best films selected by the esteemed judges from each of the categories are awarded with the trophies and prizes. There is also an overall “Judges’ Choice Award” which is presented to the film that is well-thought upon to be considered as the best film in the festival.
Comic-Con International: San Diego 2015 will be held from July 9 till July 12 (with Preview Night on July 8) at the San Diego. The complete address for the San Diego Comic-Con International Film Festival this year will be Manchester Grand Hyatt, situated on Harbor Drive, north of the Convention Center and the Marriott Marquis Hotel. The Film Festival room is he Film Festival room is Grand Ballroom D, on the lobby level of the hotel. The parking slots will be completely controlled by the individual companies owning the parking lots. ABM Parking Services aims to offer instantaneous parking details all four days of the show. You can also buy parking spaces online based on availability.
Transportation to the movie set can be availed by the Comic-Con International’s FREE Shuttle service for 24-hours with halts at 50+ locations in Mission Valley, downtowns and hotels nearbyairport on Harbor Island and Shelter Island. You will be able to avail the service from 3:00 PM to 12:00 AM for Comic-Con’s Preview Night on July 8. On Thursday, July 9, 24-hour movie vehicle transportation will begin at 4:30 AM and run continuously till Sunday, July 12 at 7:00 PM, with the frequency changing throughout the day. MTS Trolley Service will drop you at the Convention Center in 2 different stops – across Hall A and near Hall D. You can also opt for Coaster Commuter Train as a movie set transportation which will drop you at the Santa Fe Train Depot in downtown San Diego on Broadway, a little distance from the Convention Center.
Author Bio:-
Ron Morgan is the market representative for Pyramid Logistics. Pyramid Logistics specializes in trade show services, movie vehicle transportation, mobile exhibit tours and electronic transportation services that are responsibly priced, timely, efficient, damage free and in conformity with the highest industry standards.
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