San Diego Comic-Con International is a multi-genre comic and entertainment convention held annually in San Diego, California. It was originated as the Golden State Comic Book Convention in late 1970 by Richard Alf, Shel Dorf , Mike Towry and Ken Krueger. After sometime, it was called the "San Diego Comic Book Convention." It however is commonly known as Comic-Con or the San Diego Comic-Con or "SDCC." Comic-Con International also organises two other conventions, WonderCon, that takes place in Anaheim, California, and the Alternative Press Expo (APE), held in San Francisco. Since 1974, Comic-Con has showered its annual Inkpot Award on guests and persons of interest in the Popular Arts industries and also on the members of Comic-Con's Board of Directors and the Convention Board. It is also the home of the Will Eisner Awards. Book your studio transportation now! Since 2005, CCI-IFF also known as the Comic-Con International Independent Film Festival has been ta...
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