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Showing posts from November, 2014

Impact Of Mobile Marketing Tour On Your Marketing Campaign

Everything that you do (or do not do) actually affects your business. That is why it is very essential that one understands his or her own business well. A marketing campaign should also be put into place so that they would have goals to meet and there would also be good strategies done so that the marketing campaign would be a success. A good marketing campaign should boost your business to greater heights. That is why it is best that you really do take the time to create that campaign. One of the things that you have decided to include in your marketing campaign is that mobile marketing tour. You believe that it is a good addition especially since there are a lot of people out there on the roads and that should be quite a good thing to see. Plus, not a lot of companies really do make use of this one so it should be an ace up your sleeve. You would seem really unique as compared to all the rest. With that, the chances of your campaign getting recall would be quite high. So what ...

Avoid "Drape And Tape" Of Your Sensitive Packages And Welcome Pad Wraps By Pyramid Logistics

Is that an heirloom you are holding right now? For other people, it may seem like your ordinary jar but it is not. The truth is, that jar has been in your family for generations and it is now your turn to actually have it. You have been taking good care of it and are quite proud to be entrusted with its ownership. After all, this jar has been in your family for years and years that it would be a shame if you did not take care of it. The dilemma you have now is transporting that jar to your new home. Yes, you would be changing residences and you need to transport everything. You would not want that jar to be transported just like how you would transport everything else. It needs a lot of care and it should be given proper attention. It is an heirloom, mind you. With this kind of dilemma in your hands, the best thing would be to actually contact Pyramid to assist you. The company specializes in tradeshow services and in trade show transportation. Tradeshow transportation is pretty t...

11 Movie Vehicle Transportation Mistakes To Avoid

Spending tons of money each day just to be able to shoot that movie can take on your nerves. It can be really stressful and it can take a huge toll on you. Sometimes, you try to think about the time constraint and the budget that you forget all about the importance of all the things that you need to work on. You focus on the budget and the time that you forget the more important factor of keeping everything in order. This is the reason behind the 11 movie vehicle transportation mistakes that you may want to avoid as it eats up too much resources: 1. You do not plan ahead. Not a good move. You should plan ahead so you can choose the right company to deal with. If you are running and rushing and trying to beat deadlines, do you think you would still be making informed decisions? 2. Not all items are the same. So do not pack everything like you would with anything else. Studio transportation companies like Pyramid know how to properly do movie set transportation. They will provide ...

Tour Logistics And Event Management: Another Mobile Marketing Service By Pyramid Logistics

Are you having a really hard time with any mobile marketing tours that you have been a part of? Is it something that is too complicated for you? Is it something that you would really need to do but if you only had another option, you would choose not to? Is it something too difficult that the whole thing can be too stressful for your own good? Well, if that is the case, you may want to start thinking if this is the kind of thing that you would like to do or if it is something that you should put aside. If it is something worth the time, then go ahead and plan it. Challenges will always arise and that is why you can always opt to find a good company to be your partner in putting it all together. You can always opt to find a good company who would be there for you to help you take care of things that you would not be able to accomplish alone. As they say, there is power in numbers. Pyramid is one of the top companies in the world who does offer not only tour logistics but also event m...

Avoid End of Show Moveouts with Pyramid Logistic's Security Containers and Cages

Several times you have been a part of trade shows and you know just how important it is to actually bring a booth that is worth noticing. It is also quite essential to be able to have all the important fliers and materials right there so that people would know more about what you are offering them. And then there is also that part where you have to have back up all the time because you do not know when anything could go wrong. This is all part of the preparation process. What you have yet to understand is that you also need to prepare for what would happen after the show ends. For the past several occasions, you have been the very last one at the show and you are so tired and yet you have to deal with packing everything up. Here are some tips that you can follow to ensure that everything goes well after the show happens: · If you think that you have been prepared for the show because everything was ready and everything was there for the event, then you should think again. You have to ...

Excellent Time Sensitive Studio Transportation Services By Pyramid Logistics

Finding a good company that should provide you with studio transportation services would seem to be the easy task at hand. However, what you should keep in mind is that there are plenty of factors that you would have to take into consideration because when it comes to movie set transportation, it should be done well. Time is of the essence when it comes to this and so when you need movie vehicle transportation for that film that you are currently working on, it is very important that you choose the right company that would be your partner. Although there are plenty of companies out there that offer studio transportation, it is best that you go with one that you find to be worth your trust. Pyramid is one of those and it has been providing such a service for a long time already. It does movie set transportation and it has worked with tons of movie production companies already. In fact, it is one of the go-to companies for movie vehicle transportation. This just goes to show that this ...